LEARN: digital content covering the key principles and concepts
APPLY: live session to help learners explore the practical implications
PRACTICE: support resources to enable learning transfer
Cultural Intelligence
Me myself and I
Develop your global mindset
Reading between the lines: communicating across cultures
You don't have to say yes! Disagreeing across cultures
Giving feedback across cultures
Being you: uncovering culture in a global team
Where in the world is my team? WorldPrism and teams
Who am I? The road to cultural discovery
When does now mean later? WorldPrism and Time
‘Why is everyone against me?’ Cross-cultural collaboration
Diversity and Inclusion
Including you: why you need inclusion
The inclusive leader
Managing microaggressions
Diverse Thinking: an intro to DEI
Team and Collaboration
Collaborating across cultures
Reimagining innovation
Cross-border working
Saying no to power
Boosting personal impact
Getting better answers: WorldPrism and problem-solving
Change is spelled N,O,R,M,A,L
Global leadership and Transformation
Culturally intelligent decision-making
Be radical, be empathetic
Safe places, safe spaces
Hybrid and Virtual working
Be an effective virtual communicator
Power up your hybrid teams
Leading virtual/hybrid meetings
Creating virtual networks
Global Mobility
Country briefings